The script file ~/.spamfolder for the standard mail setup contains unkown content


The spamfolder script process all incoming mail and enables features like Sieve and +-subaddressing.

With a custom script we cannot process mails in the standard way. If you have set up any custom scripts to process your mails you will need to find workarounds with the standard mail setup, like with Sieve scripts etc.

To restore the standard mail processing with the default spamfolder script, first remove the custom script and run the spamfolder enable comand.

[isabell@stardust ~]$ rm ~/.spamfolder
[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace mail spamfolder enable
The spam folder is now enabled.


Error: This configuration is probably not working as expected in the standard mail system. This is why you should recreate this mailaddress yourself using the uberspace mail commands.