
The e-mail address of your mailboxes can be used in the form of If you have set up additional domains then will also work.

Plus addressing

Plus addressing allows you to give out alternative addresses like that still arrive at your mailbox. You can create a filter rule to automatically filter messages sent to plussed addresses, which can be helpful for managing mailing lists and site registrations.


The spamfolder needs to be enabled to use plussed mailaddresses.

Setup a new mailbox

To add a new mailbox to your Uberspace, run the uberspace mail user add <mailbox> command and enter your password when prompted. So to add the mailbox post, run this command:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace mail user add post
Enter a password for the mailbox:
Please confirm your password:
New mailbox created for user: 'post', it will be live in a few minutes...


Nothing is shown while entering your password; that’s absolutely correct and works as intended – just enter it blindly and press Enter!


While some special characters such as ., +, -, _ are allowed in mailbox names, there are rules limiting their usage. Please make sure your mailbox name adheres to these rules.

Password Requirements

Your mailbox password has to comply with a set of rules:

  • A minimum length of 8 characters.

  • Not only letters.

  • Not only numbers.

  • Not prohibited by us.

  • A password score of >=4.

We prohibit the use of some passwords we deem too common (like test1234) or too easy to guess, e.g. if your mailbox name should be fn0rd, we will reject testfn0rd as a password.

In addition to the above, we also check your password using zxcvbn. This results in a score for your password, based on how easy it might be guessed and / or cracked (higher results mean a better estimated password strenght). We require a password score of at least 4.

If we reject your password, we try to give you an error messages that explains why. Hopefully it will help you to choose a fitting alternative.


We strongly recommend to use only ASCII characters in your password. Non-ASCII characters may work in some circumstances, but this depends on the encoding used by your client being compatible with the one used by the mail server.

List existing mailboxes

You can list your existing mailboxes using the uberspace mail user list command, e.g. if you have setup mailboxes for post and info:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace mail user list

Change password

To change a mailbox’s password, run the uberspace mail user password <mailbox> command, so in order to change the password for the mailbox post, run this command:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace mail user password post
Enter a password for the mailbox:
Please confirm your password:
New mailbox password set for user 'post'.

Delete a mailbox

You can delete a mailbox using the uberspace mail user del <mailbox> command. To delete the mailbox post, run the following command:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace mail user del post
Mailbox for user 'post' deleted.

Catch-all mailbox

You can configure any existing mailbox to be the catch-all mailbox.


A catch-all mailbox will “catch all” of the emails addressed to the domains on your account that do not exist in the mail server - this can help avoid losing emails due to misspelling. Without a catch-all mailbox these mails will get rejected by the server.

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace mail catchall status
No catchall configured.
[isabell@stardust ~]$

To set the catch-all mailbox run uberspace mail catchall set <mailbox>. In this example we make the mailbox post the catch-all mailbox:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace mail catchall set post
Mails, which cannot be matched to a mailbox, will be sent to post.
[isabell@stardust ~]$

To remove the catch-all run uberspace mail catchall del:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace mail catchall del
No catchall configured.
[isabell@stardust ~]$

System mailbox

With each Uberspace you will get a mailaddress in the form By default this mailaddress forwards to the external mailaddress you have given with your registration and we recommend to keep it that way.

If you want to use the mailaddress as a mailbox, you need to remove the file ~/.qmail and the Maildir will be created under ~/Maildir with the first incoming mail. But as this is no ordinary mailbox, it wont work with the Spamfolder or Sieve filter rules or plussed mailaddresses.


In the past we also promoted mailaddresses in the form This may not be available in future product versions and should no longer be used.