
Below you can see the 5 most recent changes to Uberspace 7. For older changes, please refer to the Changelog Archive.


Sometimes the version shown on your host may be higher than the newest version here. In this case we might have applied additional fixes shortly after a release or did internal changes without user impact. We deem updates like these hotfixes and they are not necessarily included in this changelog.

[7.15.15] - 2024-05-08


  • New command uberspace migration qmail status|check that helps you to check and fix your outdated qmail configurations. Also see the manual page for more details.


  • For uberspace mail user forward the command now only allows full qualified mailaddresses. This was already the documented standard.


  • Ruby 3.0 has been disabled and can no longer be selected.

[] - 2024-04-17

Revert mail subaddressing with -

  • Unfortunately we had to roll back the mail feature from last week, that allowed you to use “minussed” mailaddresses in the standard mail setup. We encountered several problems with the combined use of + and - delimiters for subaddressing.

[7.15.14] - 2024-04-10


  • You may now use “minussed” mailaddresses like This makes it easier to migrate mailaddresses from .qmail configurations (we already provide the more common format (THIS FEATURE HAS BEEN REVERTED ONE WEEK AFTER)

  • We run a hourly healthchecks on the userspaces to kill stucked PHP Worker processes. We will notify you by mail and add an entry to the php_error log.


  • PHP 8.0 has been completely removed from our systems

  • Users using Ruby3.0 have been migrated to Ruby3.1. We will disable the outdated version 3.0 one month later.

[7.15.11] - 2024-03-01

🌱 Spring is here 🌱

While we are working at full speed on Uberspace 8, we are of course also finding time to develop for Uberspace 7. Outside the first crocuses are sprouting, inside the pipeline is rolling out the freshest update:


  • new packages: poppler-glib-devel, giflib-devel


  • PHP 8.3 is now default

  • mail: raise mail_max_userip_connections from 20 to 50

  • mail: sign more headers with DKIM from:to:cc:subject:date


  • with our last release we forgot some extensions for PHP 8.3: php-sodium, php-pecl-decimal, php-pecl-gnupgadd.

[7.15.10] - 2024-02-16

This week we rolled out only a little user facing changes:


  • We added PHP 8.3


  • PHP 8.0 has been been deprecated and is no longer selectable in the version list. It will be removed completely next month