##### MySQL ##### We're providing MariaDB 10.6 as a MySQL-compatible database server. If you're already used to use MySQL, you can lean back calmly: To avoid confusion, MariaDB uses the same command names you already know, like ``mysql``, ``mysqldump`` etc. - just use them as usual. Our default setup provides you with a database and a user named like your Uberspace, but you can create additional databases later. Webinterface ============ You can manage your databases via `phpMyAdmin `_ or `adminer `_. Login credentials ================= Applications based on MySQL databases will ask you for a username, a password, a database name and possibly a host/port. +-----------+----------------------------------+ | Username | *equals your Uberspace username* | +-----------+----------------------------------+ | Password | *see below* | +-----------+----------------------------------+ | Database | *equals your Uberspace username* | +-----------+----------------------------------+ | Host/Port | localhost | +-----------+----------------------------------+ Your MySQL password differs from any other password. We've created a strong one and put it into the file ``~/.my.cnf`` which is used by the MariaDB command-line tools to automatically log you in. Take a look into that file or execute ``my_print_defaults client`` to show it, like that: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ my_print_defaults client --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --user=isabell --password=SomeStrongPassword Changing your password ---------------------- Your password can be changed with the `SET PASSWORD `_ SQL statement. Tools like Adminer or phpMyAdmin provide you with a web-based way of doing that (if you installed them), but it can easily be done on the shell as well: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ mysql -e "SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('YourNewPassword')" If you don't see any output, it's a good thing; MariaDB only complains if something went wrong. .. warning :: It is very important to put the new password into your ``~/.my.cnf`` file with a text editor of your choice. That way, MariaDB command-line tools are still able to automatically log you in. Password Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We generate a passwords for you on user creation. It consists of 20 random characters, containing a mix of upper and lowercase ASCII letters, the numbers 0-9 and punctuation (``.,:-_``). But we only *enforce the following rules*, if you want to set your own: - A minimal length of 16 characters. Read-only user -------------- While most applications based on MySQL databases support exactly one database user (and expect it to have write permissions), there are use cases for a read-only user as well, especially from a security perspective. We provide you with a separate user suffixed with ``_ro`` ("read-only") which you can use in these cases. This user has a different password than the default read/write user which can also be found in your ``~/.my.cnf`` file; you can also execute ``my_print_defaults clientreadonly`` to show it, like that: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ my_print_defaults clientreadonly --user=isabell_ro --password=SomeOtherStrongPassword Unfortunately you cannot change the password of the read-only user yourself (it's read-only!). If you really need to change it, please contact hallo@uberspace.de. Additional databases ==================== In addition to the default database named like your Uberspace you can also create an unlimited number of additional databases prefixed with your username and ``_`` - if your username is ``isabell`` you can create databases named like ``isabell_blog``, ``isabell_shop``. New databases can be created with the `CREATE DATABASE `_ SQL statement. Tools like Adminer or phpMyAdmin provide you with a web-based way of doing that (if you installed them), but it can easily done on the shell as well: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE isabell_blog" If you don't see any output, it's a good thing; MariaDB only complains if something went wrong. You can list your additional databases using the `SHOW DATABASES `_ SQL statement: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ mysql -e "SHOW DATABASES" +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | isabell | | isabell_gitea | | isabell_shopware6 | +--------------------+ To remove databases, use the `DROP DATABASE `_ SQL statement: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ mysql -e "DROP DATABASE isabell_blog" If you don't see any output, it's a good thing; MariaDB only complains if something went wrong. Working with dumps ================== Dumps are the default way of exporting/importing databases. You can use them as a backup or to migrate an existing database dumped on another host to your Uberspace or vice-versa. We dump all databases every day and keep them as :ref:`backup `. Creating dumps -------------- The ``mysqldump`` command allows you to dump tables or whole databases, represented by a bunch of SQL statements that will re-create the table structures and re-insert all data when executed. The most common use is to redirect its output into a file, like that: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ mysqldump isabell > isabell.sql This command dumps all tables of the ``isabell`` database at once. If you just want to dump a single or a few tables, put their names behind the database name: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ mysqldump isabell table1 > isabell.table1.sql [isabell@stardust ~]$ mysqldump isabell table2 table3 > isabell.table2and3.sql As the resulting files are plain text files (remember, they are just a bunch of SQL statements) you can easily compress them on the fly, e.g. with ``xz``: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ mysqldump isabell | xz > isabell.sql.xz Importing dumps --------------- As dumps are just files containing SQL statements you can feed them into the ``mysql`` command, importing them into a database of your choice. For example, to import the dump named ``isabell.sql`` into your database ``isabell`` (overwriting existing tables, if any): .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ mysql isabell < isabell.sql Or in case of a compressed dump, use ``xzcat`` to uncompress the data before feeding it into MariaDB: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ xzcat isabell.sql.xz | mysql isabell Streaming dumps --------------- In case you want to copy a database into another one, or from one running MySQL or MariaDB host to another, there's no need to write the dump into a file at all. Given that you already created a database named ``isabell_copy`` you can copy all data from ``isabell`` over to your new database: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ mysqldump isabell | mysql isabell_copy This will also work over SSH - for example to dump a database on some other host you're having shell access to as well, this is what you're able to do to import all tables of a remote database named ``otherdatabase`` into your local database ``isabell`` (overwriting existing tables, if any): .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ ssh otheruser@some.other.host mysqldump otherdatabase | mysql isabell Monitoring and analysing sql queries ==================================== You can use the tool ``mytop`` to monitor and analyse your mysql queries easily. Just type the command in your terminal: .. code-block:: console [isabell@stardust ~]$ mytop The tool will show you all running mysql processes, press ``?`` to show additional options. Custom settings =============== UTF-8 ----- The default encoding for MySQL is still ``latin-1``, which can cause a lot of problems if you typically use Unicode characters and forget to explicitly set the encoding to UTF-8 every time. Therefore, we changed the default encoding to ``utf8mb4``, which enables you to use all ``UTF-8`` characters, including emojis 😊. External connection =================== For security reasons we don't allow external connections to your databases. However, if you want to connect somehow "directly" from a remote host, you can do so by using an SSH tunnel. This is how you can initiate an SSH connection offering a tunnel for the mysql port ``3306``: .. code-block:: console localuser@localhost ~ $ ssh isabell@stardust.uberspace.de -L 3306: From now on, you can talk to ```` on your local host to connect to your database. (While in fact, it's OpenSSH listening on port ``3306`` of your local host, tunneling the connection to your Uberspace.) .. tip:: When using Windows 8.1 or any other not up-to-date versions of Windows, you will most probably not be able to use SSH as natively as shown here. You will either need to update to a more recent version of Windows or use our `howto for Putty DB connection `_ instead of the commands used here.